Ultra Condensing Efficiency
- Navien’s Condensing Technology offers the high efficiency.
- Money and energy savings over tank type water heaters and traditional water heaters.
Two Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers
- Provides longer life expectancy as they are highly resistant to corrosion and erosion compared to copper heat exchangers.
- Reduces minerals deposits.
Low NOx Emissions (≤ 20ppm)
- New metal fiber burner is designed to deliver a consistent air/gas mixture improving combustion efficiency.
- Result in less acid rain and less green house effect.
- Comply with SCAQMD 1146.2 strict NOx emissions standard.
- 2” PVC, CPVC, Polyprophylene Venting Up To 60’
- 2” venting option allows for a flue to be pulled through the existing vent.
- 3” vents can be used up to 150’ with standard 2” x 3” adapters.
Utilizes Existing 1/2″ Gas Line
- The negative pressure gas valve and fan with dual venturi operation allows for better adaptability to low gas pressure applications.
- Makes it possible for the NPE to be installed 12” gas lines up to 24’.
Field Convertible
- NCB models allow for easy convertibility from NG to LP.
Where Technology Meets Ecology, Combination Boiler
- The ideal solution for customers who need both domestic hot water and a space heating application.
- Heats water when needed, making it environmentally sound as well as cost efficient.
Hydronic Heating Benefits
- Clean: little chance to cause dust or lower humidity because there is no air movement.
- Silent: offers silent heating because no blowers are needed for forced circulation.
- Comfort: keeps floors warm but indoor air fresh, making people feel warm and comfortable.
- Coverage: radiant heat makes heating from floor to ceiling possible.
- Economical: radiant heat in the floors can transmit warmth throughout the house hours after turning off the heater.
Automatic Water Filling System
- Automatically fills water into space heating pipes when the unit senses a water shortage.
Powerful Anti-Freeze Feature
- The Combi’s built-in Control System is designed to keep the unit’s plumbing frost free in winter conditions.