The beginning of October means many home owners living in the northern region of the nation might have to start showing up their heating systems. Natural gas is among the least expensive and most efficient ways to fuel a furnace or boiler. Along with its advantages come security concerns and responsibilities for homeowners. As a home inspector, it’s your job to help identify deficiencies which may undermine the security of occupants in houses with natural gas. We’ll discuss a few of the fundamentals of inspecting gas piping.
Branch, Provide and fall lines or risers
The piping inside the home is known as the gas supply line or building line. Branch lines operate to individual appliances. The branch line terminates in a fall line, that’s a vertical pipe dropping down to the appliance from an overhead branch line. This fall line is known as a riser if it carries gas up to an appliance out of a branch line beneath the appliance.
Trap, trickle leg or dirt pocket
In the appliance connection point, there generally is dirt or a trap, sometimes known as a drip leg that comprises breastfeeding and a cap. This pipe extension is usually at least 3 inches long and is meant to capture any water or foreign material that could be from the gas before the material gets into the appliance itself. This is a gravitation system, with the solids and liquids falling into the pocket.
Pipe downstream of the metre is homeowner’s
The piping downstream of the gas metre usually is the liability of the homeowner. The piping upstream of the gas metre along with the metre itself is the liability of the gas company.
Piping materials
Steel, copper, brass: The most typical gas piping is shameful steel. Galvanized aluminium, steel, brass or CSST (Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing) also may be utilized in certain areas, but a few utilities forbid the use of copper. In other areas, the use of copper is widespread. You ought to know what’s acceptable in your town. Steel piping is black with malleable iron or steel fittings. Galvanized steel is utilized in certain areas as well.
Flex connectors: Flexible connectors are allowed to connect appliances to the gas piping. There’s to be a shut-off valve at the connection to the rigid piping. This valve has to be in the exact same room as the appliance.
Three- or six-foot-long and reachable: The flexible connectors may ’t move through walls, floors or ceilings, nor can they be concealed. The flexible connector span is limited to 3 legs except for gas ranges and clothes dryers. For these appliances, 6 legs is allowed. Linking or splicing connectors with nipples often are prohibited. In certain jurisdictions, flexible connectors are permitted only for gas ranges, dryers, outdoor barbeques along with other semi-portable appliances. Flexible connectors may not be allowed on gas furnaces, water heaters, space heaters, etc. In areas predisposed towards earth quake, flexible connectors are somewhat more prone to be used on all appliances.
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